Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feeling cafe with 2 Bi xDD

2Day we go bai nian lo
first we eat at desa
then go jusco buy baby yee bday present luu
buy a perfume 4 her
with Bi yomiko share 1=]
hope she like it

Then next round we go shi lin house
then ming jie come
we play card lo
then Bi lose money

Then we go Feeling cafe eat
with Bi yomiko,Bi n Bi fren
Thx Bi fren belanja me eat

then we go sri rampai cc wait Bi fren
coz later go Bi fren house play
tBi yomiko wan bck jor
Bi fetch her lo
gao xiu things happen
shhh, cant say xDD

then fetch jor Bi yomiko bck
we bck rampai wait them
coz they r playing on9 games
then me n Bi go buy ice-cream
haha...gao xiuu thin happen again
then ice-cream drop at ray body
then they say i wait dao bu shuang drow ice-cream to he
i say if i bu shuang then trow batu jor

tat day 4 am bck =]
Bi win money

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